
Small Business Loan: Is It Right for You?

wooden table with documents, cash, and a calculator

Many small businesses start their rise into the business world with little cash and the need for a loan. A loan, however, is a big commitment to take. After you take a loan, you are expected to start paying it back. 

What questions should you be asking yourself before applying for a loan? What exactly does a loan entail? Does your business qualify? This article will cover what it takes to qualify for a loan, as well as the questions to ask yourself before taking one. 

Why Do You Need This Loan? 

Before you apply for a loan, you need to ask yourself a few questions. Firstly, why do you need this money? How is this money going to affect your business? Some may be looking to purchase a building for their business, or for financial security as they start out in the business world. Others may be looking at it from a day-to-day standpoint towards expenses, or may simply be looking to expand their business. 

Does this Loan Fit My Business? 

The next step is to decide which loan fits your business. Nerdwallet states: “If you’re starting a business, it’s virtually impossible to get a loan in your company’s first year.” How do you get around this? A lot of methods can help you through your first year. Nerdwallet suggests “business credit cards, crowdfunding, or a microloan from a nonprofit lender.” These methods can all steadily grow a business in the year that they are inapplicable for a loan. Those businesses that do have a year or more of standing and revenue are able to apply for various types of loans, all with different amounts of money to offer. 

For small businesses looking for short-term loans, a loan matching their credit score, or funding for their small business in general, LendNesse is a great funding option. LendNesse offers loans that can range from three to eighteen months or two to three years (for those qualifying). Not only that, but LendNesse will work with companies with varying types of credit scores, even some of the more challenging scores, to find a matching funding credit.

Does my Business Qualify for a Loan?

Next, it is very important to find out if you qualify for a loan. The credit score of your business is absolutely vital when looking to obtain small business loans. The amount of time you have been running your business and the amount of money you make is also very important.  If you cannot afford to pay off a loan, you will not be applicable to have one. 

Which Lender Will I Pick? 

Once you’ve decided to take a loan, and evaluated which type best fits your business, finding a lender will raise a series of new questions. Always start with a lender that knows and understands your industry. This can be the difference between approval and getting turned down. If there’s a free consultation, take it. This is an opportunity for the lender to get to know you. Next, the rates, terms, loan amounts, and other goals must be clearly laid out. There must be mutual respect between the lender and the borrower. After all that work is done, it’s time to apply. There are no real shortcuts to getting things done right. LendNesse offers a world-class one on one personal touch from start to finish. Every customer, every time. 


A small business loan is a great way to help a business grow. LendNesse will work with you to find a business funding credit that suits your needs. If your small business doesn’t have the best credit score, LendNesse will help to try and find a credit that matches up with your score. 

For small businesses, loans are a great way to create a solid, safe foundation to grow and expand from. With its twenty-five years of experience, LendNesse can help your small business grow. After completing a simple application and funding analysis, your small business can take off with the help of LendNesse.